We are officially launched! Here’s what happened at our party.

We are finally, officially, launched! Podcast Discovery launch party took place on November 28th in London and it is safe to say, no one will forget the party in a hurry. If you weren’t there, we are sorry you missed it. But, don’t worry – we have all the details: 


Undoubtedly, the showstopper of the evening was the incredible sneak peek of the musical Lovestuck. Created by singer-songwriter Byrn Christopher and James Cooper (of ‘My Dad Wrote a Porno fame), the story of a woman who was stuck in a window following a faecal incident at her date’s home brought loads of laughter and very loud applause. We loved having the incredibly talented crew there, and it was such a joy to share with the world what other avenues podcasting can take us to, like musicals! Who knew?! Thank you so much for making the evening so special. 


Besides the musical, we also took Hinge offline in the most podcast-y style. All attendees were given envelopes of different podcasts and the winners who found their ideal match in the crowd were in for a chance to win some snazzy headphones. For us podcast-obsessed individuals, this was the best way to meet some of the other industry folk in the room and to spot shows we love, too. 


But the real stars of the evening? YOU! Thank you so much to the whole community for coming to our launch. The open bar certainly helped to bring you to us, but we do hope that you enjoyed yourselves and continue to help us make podcasts the go-to medium for the best in storytelling. Making your shows hugely popular is what we do best, so celebrating you while we launch our agency was exactly the right way to go. Your energy and love for Podcast Discovery is what keeps us going, so thank you!


Big shoutout to everyone who came and of course the incredible team at Podcast Discovery. The founders, Matt Deegan and Matt Hill rightfully said, ‘just give us a buzz’ if you have a new launch, because our plans are only just beginning! 

If you missed out, we are sure we will see you at the next do – we have plenty in store. Keep your eyes peeled on our website and socials for the next big bash, launch and all the news about our future. Plus, don’t forget to check out Podcast Rex for all of your editorial needs, too.