Artwork and titles are often the main reason that a new listener’s going to try out your show – so you need to make them count. First impressions matter, especially online, and you want your podcast to stand out on any browse page.
Podcasting is a competitive space and to stand out, you need more than just amazing content. A well thought out promotional strategy is a key part of a successful show launch, and beyond that, focusing on marketing your content will only help you boost your reach.
If you said ‘I have a podcast’ just 5 years ago, you’d often be met with, ‘a what?’ And now, podcasting is an obvious choice when it comes to engaging storytelling. The question is: how do you make sure everyone can find your story?
Celebrity appearances or famous hosts can be a game-changer for your podcast. But remember, a star-studded show alone will not drive your listener to subscribe.
A team that worked hours on a podcast launch or its episodes, is often a little tired of the content by the time they press ‘publish,’ so how can retainer marketing help?